Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Welcome to Mídhris

This is an initial posting to let y'all know that I will soon be publishing the first volume of The Chronicles of Mídhris to Kindle.  Mídhris is a region of a parallel world and the Chronicles recount the lives and adventures of those who cross from our earthly dimension to the other world.  This blog will contain supplemental material and provide a forum for discussion of, let us say, my rich fantasy life. All materials here except the comments of others are © by me.

It all began with a bedtime story for my fellow graduate students at UCLA in 1972.  After a year and a half I laid the Chronicles aside for over three decades.  In 2006 I resumed and have worked at them off and on ever since.  If I am granted life and health and time to write it will be a long series because there are so many tales to tell.

Look for updates.

-G. M. Deveril